- Aibileen Clark : I didn't steal no silver.
- Hilly Holbrook : Maybe I can't send you to jail for what you wrote but I can send you for bein' a thief!
- Aibileen Clark : I know somethin' about you, don't you forget that! From what Yule Mae says, there's a lot a time to write l
- letters in jail. Plenty of time to write the truth about you. And the paper is free.
This dialogue was said by a maid name Aibileen with her employer, Mrs Hilly. Aibileen was accused by Hilly because she stole one of Hilly's silver spoon. What I can see, silver spoon symbolizes rich people. This shows the difference between the black and white people at that time. Only white people could afford to have silver cutlery because they are rich. As for the black, working as maid and low standard jobs make them catagorized as poor people. It is not acceptable when they have same equipment as the white people have. Therefore, the white will straightfully accused the black for stealing when they lost their belongings.
The other significant of this dialogue is, even though the white can easily accused and send the black to jail for their wrong doings, they must not be forgot about the consequences. They might think that sending the black to jail is a good idea but it actually give the black some space to reveal the truth about the white people. The jail symbolized that people who live in there got a lot of free time to express their feelings. It is possible to write about something as much as they want without thinking of their other responsibility. Furthermore, the paper in jail is free and they can get as much as they want. Overall, the quotation show that both races are actually depends on each other.

- Hilly Holbrook: That's why I've drafted the Home Help Sanitation Initiative.
- Skeeter Phelan: The what?
- Hilly Holbrook: A disease-preventative bill that requires every white home to have a separated bathroom for the colored
- help. It's been endorsed by the White Citizen's Council.
- Skeeter Phelan: Maybe we just build you a bathroom outside, Hilly.
Hilly suggested that the white people should have a separate bathroom and toilet with the blacks. She worried if the black could spread any disease to them. I found this is very stereotyping because the white relates the black with diseases. In my opinion, this is actually a way used by the white people to show their discrimination towards the black people. They do not want the blacks to be same level as them. They also thought that the black are not hygienic.
But some of the white people are against this discrimination, like the main character is this movie, Skeeter. She cannot tolerate with what did Hilly said because she finds that is too harsh for the black people to accept it.
Aibileen: God says we need to love our enemies. It's hard to do, but it can start by telling the truth.
This quote was said by Aibileen when a white journalist, Skeeter came to her house to write about her story. As blacks, she said white people are their enemies. But Aibileen is a religious Christian women. She followed what her God said because she believe that someday there will be a change in the society. However, it was hard to love the white because the black was being suppressed by the white. In my opinion, she saw Skeeter as a way where she can reveal the truth without harming herself and her races. By telling and accepting the truth, people will feel free and relief from their problem.
This is a kick start where this story becoming more interesting. Aibileen and all her maid friends start to tell Skeeter about their stories and experience working with the white. At the end, Skeeter was successful in publishing a book call "The Help" that opened the eyes of the society at that time and change their perspective about the blacks.
“We’d stay in our cousin’s tiny one-bathroom
house and Demetrie had
a special cot she slept on and a toilet outside. But there was only one
bathtub, so Demetrie bathed in her clothes”
This quote was said by the author of The Help , Kathryn Stockett. She used to have a black maid when she was small and love her very much. She realized that what was happening during 1960's was not right especially towards black people in Jackson, Mississippi. Therefore, she decided to write this novel in order to educate people about racial injustice.
“Well, now we're faced with having to choose
which son can go if we don't
come up with the money. Would you consider giving us a loan? I'd...I'd work
every day for free till it was paid off”
As for immigrants, there are a lot of things
that they need to sacrifice to ensure they can send their children to school
and college. Lower-class society is usually seen as containing people who face
financial problems. Ethnical segregation
can create a lower- and upper-class society. It is hard for the lower-class
people to get a proper education. At the same time, although they are able to
get a place in college, they have no money. Immigrant parents are willing to do anything
to obtain money in order for their children to be successful.